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See full review here: Interventions to prevent or cease electronic cigarette use in children and adolescents - Barnes, C - 2023 | Cochrane Library
Plain Language Summary
Key messages
There are currently no published randomised controlled trials assessing the impact of interventions to prevent or stop e-cigarette use amongst children and adolescents. We did, however, find 22 of these types of studies underway that appear to be eligible for future updates to this review, which may provide more answers.
What did we want to find out?
We wanted to find out how effective interventions were in either preventing or ceasing (i.e. stopping) child and/or adolescent e-cigarette use. We also wanted to know what the effect of these interventions was on child and/or adolescent use of tobacco, and if the interventions had any consequences related to the health of children and/or adolescents, or the organisations where the interventions were being delivered.
What did we do?
We searched for all available evidence from randomised controlled trials (a type of study where participants are randomly assigned to one of two or more treatment groups) to answer the review questions.
What did we find?
We searched for studies on 1 May 2023 and found no published studies. However, we did find 22 studies that were underway and will probably be included in future updates of the review. Given that we found no studies for inclusion, we do not know how effective interventions are in preventing or ceasing child and/or adolescent e-cigarette use.
How up-to-date is this evidence?
This evidence is current to 1 May 2023.
This is a living systematic review. We search for new evidence every month and update the review when we identify relevant new evidence. Please refer to the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews for the current status of this review.