About Cochrane Public Health (CPH)

Cochrane Public Health (CPH) works with individuals and teams internationally to produce and publish Cochrane reviews of the effects of population-level public health interventions. We support, facilitate, edit and publish systematic reviews of population level interventions that address the structural and social determinants of health, qualitative questions relevant to public health, and other questions that need an unbiased thorough approach for publication on The Cochrane Library.

We also develop and adopt appropriate communication and dissemination strategies to ensure CPH published reviews have an impact on policy and practice development and continue to advocate for high quality research, evaluation and evidence.

Scope of CPH reviews

Our reviews focus on topics that address health and other outcomes at the population level, helping government and non-government agencies achieve health, wellbeing, learning and social outcomes.

We prioritise reviews addressing the structural and social determinants of health, those addressing non-communicable disease risks, and strategies to improve the translation of public health interventions into policy and practice. Reviews of interventions operating at the level of community, systems, policy, legislation and regulations and those that operate outside of the health service system, such as education, transport, the built environment, agriculture, child care and social services are Cochrane Public Health priorities.

History of CPH

A brief overview is available for background information on the transition from the Cochrane Health Promotion and Public Health Field to the Cochrane Public Health Group.

A new chapter for Cochrane, and CPH

Cochrane has embarked on an important change programme to transform the way we produce the high-quality, independent and timely evidence. The new model is designed to ensure Cochrane remains viable, sustainable, and focused on the greatest global health and care challenges now and into the future. As part of the new model we are implementing a Central Editorial Service to streamline the editorial process. 
We encourage you to look out for further communications about Cochrane's plans for the future and new opportunities to get involved. You can stay connected by:
Following Cochrane on your favourite social media platform and Opting in to Cochrane email communications in your Cochrane Account

As part of this change process, Cochrane Public Health does not perform the editorial management role it previously did. Reviews previously going through our group, as well as new proposals, are now submitted to, managed and assessed by a central Cochrane editorial team. Cochrane invites prospective authors to propose new Cochrane Reviews by submitting a proposal in Editorial Manager. Please see the Cochrane Library information for authors for further details.

Our group has now formed part of two pilot Cochrane thematic groups - Cochrane Nutrition and Physical Activity | Cochrane and Cochrane People, Health Systems and Public Health | Cochrane

Impact factor

The 2023 Impact Factor for Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews is 8.8.

The equivalent of an Impact Factor for Cochrane Public Health reviews for 2022 was 11.4 (22 publications cited 251 times).